Building a Campaign in HubSpot from Start to Finish

Best Practices

This eBook will give you a step by step process on how to build a campaign in HubSpot from start to finish, including:
  • HubSpot Lists, files, Landing pages, CTAs and emails
  • HubSpot Workflows and Campaigns
  • HubSpot Reports and Dashboards
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Building a Campaign in HubSpot from Start to Finish




In this eBook (that is being updated regularly), we focus on the IMPLEMENT items of a campaign - all built in HubSpot. By the end of the book you will have a clear knowledge of how to implement the following list of key items for your campaign:

Graphic design
HubSpot forms
HubSpot lists
HubSpot files
HubSpot landing pages
HubSpot CTAs
HubSpot emails
HubSpot workflows
HubSpot campaign
HubSpot site updates
HubSpot reports and dashboards
Attribution items

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About Us


HubShots is an unofficial weekly Aussie HubSpot podcast, hosted by Ian Jacob and Craig Bailey.

Ian Jacob


Ian Jacob

CEO and Founder of Search & Be Found.

Ian is a business growth strategist specialising in marketing and sales strategy with a focus on HubSpot automation. With 16+ years of experience, Ian has worked with companies like Macquarie Bank, Ericsson, and Telstra (and he hopes to add you to that list!).



Craig Bailey


Craig Bailey

CEO and Founder of  XEN Systems.

Craig has more than 30 years experience working in software development and IT. With a thorough understanding of both the technical and business sides of HubSpot software, he’s focussed on delivering process improvement to companies using HubSpot as the foundation.



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Efficiently Build a Campaign Today!

Everything you need to know to build your own campaign in HubSpot in no time.

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