Episode 178: How to ‘Test and Measure’ when you can’t measure, plus Merging Contacts gotcha
Welcome to Episode 178 of Hubshots! HubShots - APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast - where we discuss HubSpot tips & tricks, new features, and...
HubShots - APAC's number 1 HubSpot focussed podcast - where we discuss HubSpot tips & tricks, new features, and strategies for growing your marketing results.
This episode we chat about enforcing deal stage properties, setting social permissions for users, and why changing your mind is a good thing.
Listen to the episode here: https://soundcloud.com/hubshots/177-hubspot-deal-stage-properties-test-and-measure-again-changing-your-mind/
HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers and sales professionals who use HubSpot, hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.
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Recorded: Tuesday 08 October 2019 | Published: Friday 25 October 2019
Inbound Session tip, via Chris Higgins from Electric Monk in the UK:
Creating a Deal Lost category dropdown property and then making it mandatory to be filled when marking a deal as Closed Lost.
Hoping Chris chats about this in an upcoming episode of his Inbound Happy Hour podcast
https://wing.com/ - watch the video
This isn’t a new feature, but it is something that a number of people don’t realise.
Setting permissions for users to only be able to create Draft social posts - this is managed in User settings (not in Social settings):
A good use case is where a team member has access to your personal LinkedIn profile - you may only want to allow them to create draft posts on your behalf, that you then check before scheduling.
(Prompted by Chris Higgins’ note in Shot 1)
Chris’ note is to make the Closed Lost reason a dropdown rather than a free form field.
You go to a template, which has a custom module on it
You want to create a similar custom module, with just a few tweaks
So, on the template you clone the custom module
And then you edit the cloned custom module
You think you are editing a brand new version of the custom module
But actually you are editing the original custom module and the changes will show in both of the copies on your template
To clone a custom module ie so you can have a separate copy to customise, you need to find it in the list on the left hand side, and then clone it:
Instagram changing stuff all the time:
Here’s the takeaway: even a massive company with more than a billion users is constantly refining their product because they realise they aren’t delivering an experience users actually want or use.
How do you analyse this in your own business/department?
Takeaway: review your analytics:
Business is the one area of your life where you are paid to change your mind:
Business rewards thinking about things differently - often because it is the only way you’ll be able to stay in business.
Pivot podcast with Scott Galloway and Kara Swisher
Interesting take on all things tech.
Email marketing tips
“The ratio of time you spend sweating to watching others sweat is a forward looking indicator of your success” - Scott Galloway - The Algebra of Happiness
Tools I’m looking into:
Please rate and leave us some feedback as this helps us improve and reach more marketers.
- [Ian] Hi everyone, welcome to "HubShots Episode 177." In this episode we talk about HubSpot deal stages properties, testing and measuring again, and changing your mind. You're listening to Asia-Pacific's number one HubSpot focused podcast, where we discuss HubSpot tips, tricks and features for growing your marketing and sales results. My name is Ian Jacob from Search and Be Found, and with me is Craig Baily from XEN systems, hi Craig.
- [Craig] Oh good, and you know what I'd love? I'd love to get a delivery by a drone.
- Yes
- You were telling me over dinner tonight, 'cause you were just down in Canberra this weekend.
- That's right.
- And they're testing deliveries of incredibly important items.
- [Ian] Doughnuts and coffee, Craig. Plus there are a few other things, some stuff you can get at the chemist. Now, why I'm telling you this is because my mom, who works for the government, hi Mom. And she looks after, she's part of the team that looks after airports and air spaces. So she was like "Oh, they're testing drone delivery" and I'm like "What are they delivering?" She said "Oh, you know what the most popular thing is? "Coffee and doughnuts." And so what they've done, they based an industrial area not far from where my mom lives, and they're delivering to a particular, like a couple of suburbs within that location. I would say flight time no more than about three to five minutes for delivery. And they're testing it out in Canberra, and it's gonna be rolled out, so they're just working out A: what they can be delivering, how they're managing airspace noise, and so on and so forth. And it's by a company called, I think it's called Wing. So, I'll put the link in the show notes.
- [Craig] These are gonna be everywhere before you know it, aren't they? It's gonna be interesting logistics. I mean, we all saw that video from Amazon years ago when that was flying about, and everyone laughed at it. And I guess that kind of did set the scene, but
- Here we are.
- Here we are, and so
- Head down to Canberra.
- This'll all just be normal soon. So yeah, I don't know what that's got to do with HubSpot or marketing, but it's a very interesting.
- But you know what this is? I was looking at their website, and I think they were saying it's about giving people access to products that, local businesses access to delivery of their product to people nearby. So, you kinda think, as I was telling you before, this is a good opportunity for businesses, that are local businesses that need to get product distribution, to have that ability to get the product distribution into the hands of people that want it.
- [Craig] Well this is absolutely right. It won't be long before Google My Business listing, on the things, it'll have one of the items which says it'll support drone delivery as something for locals. So yeah, it's very big for local business.
- [Ian] Yeah so, and you think about how search, we know looking at all the stats, generally people that search in a local area, will generally visit the store within an hour of that search. So, just think about this, if they could get it delivered without visiting the store, and they go "Oh, hang on, we know that store's got it, "just want it delivered." Yep, click the button, here we go.
- [Craig] Doughnuts ahoy, so good.
- [Ian] So there you have it. Now Craig, the GroWth Thought of the Week.
- [Craig] Oh, great tip. You know we were chatting with Chris Higgins, hey, shout-out to Chris from Electric Monk in the UK, he was at Inbound.
- [Ian] It's nice to have friends that are right across the globe. Isn't it, Craig?
- It is, it is so good. And another fellow podcaster, so he's, I think we chatted about his podcast
- A while back.
- a little while back. He needs to just increase the frequency just a tad, I'd say. So Chris, I know that's a, you got plans for a bit of an Inbound recap, so hopefully listeners, by the time you hear our episode, Chris will have recorded another one. But yeah, "Inbound Happy Hour." Anyway, I got a bit off track then, because what I was gonna say is, we were chatting on email about what was some of his takeaways from Inbound. Said he went to a really cool session around workflows for automating some of those boring sales tasks. I was like "Oh, yeah, okay." Anyway, he had this really cool idea that a checkbox on a contact record, so the use case would be "Oh yeah, I know that person's just moved." Hit a checkbox. That goes into workflow, and actually sets up some automatic tasks assigned to you, or perhaps the contact owner to follow up. So, it's just one of those things about making sure things don't fall through the gaps. Anyway, that was a really cool idea. That was on, we're emailing backwards and forwards. Anyway, then he, onto what I was actually gonna mention in the show, 'cause I just went off on another tangent then, as how I'm want to do. The other thing he was saying is, actually, what was he talking about?
- It was about the deal.
- Oh yeah, creating. Totally getting offtrack. Creating a deal property. So, you might talk about this, cause when we were discussing it earlier, I said "Oh, just seen this idea from Chris" He goes "Ah." You were actually saying, Ian, "Oh yeah, I'm doing that with one of my clients, "and it works really well." So, maybe mention what the tip is, and how you've implemented it.
- [Ian] Correct, so this is having a contact property where when a deal is lost, you actually find out the lost reason.
- [Craig] Oh, so it's actually a deal property, not a contact property. Yeah, I've gotcha, okay.
- [Ian] Now, you can obviously copy it in there, but when the property's actually having defined why things get lost in the business that we work alongside with, we know over time of the last year of working with them, we know why they lose deals. Could be budgetary constraints, could be they've gone with another builder, maybe they've actually lost their job recently, so might actually go on hold. But it might be a reason to get out of that sales pipeline. And so, what we were gonna do is if once we can collect that, what we can actually do is run automation after that to say "Okay well, if we lost it for this particular reason, "let's maybe send them a ANPS survey "to figure out would that you refer us to friends." And that's how we're using this deal property.
- [Craig] Very cool, so actually there's a whole bunch of things to unpack here. So the first is, on a deal, you can actually, and we would chat about this in shot three, can sat up a property that must be filled out.
- [Ian] If you have Sales Professional.
- [Craig] Oh, this is Sales Pro, is it? Okay, that's good to know. But here's one of the key things, and this was Chris's main takeaway. Make it a dropdown rather than a free text field, 'cause in our HubSpot portal we actually have it as free text for just putting stuff in. And the key was, that's actually almost unusable in a way, unless you're very carefully going through. So, make it a dropdown, so that was cool, but then your point, which is yeah, if you've got service hub, you can tap into that based on a deal, and send out further surveys. So yeah, we'll draw into that coming up in shot three.
- [Ian] All right, on to our HubShot Marketing Feature of the Week, Craig. Draft social post permissions, and this is Enterprise only, Marketing Hub.
- [Craig] Yeah, Marketing Hub. Now, this is not a new feature. It's been around for a while, actually I think. But something that I wanted to remind listeners of, 'cause I was just talking about this with a client. So the point is, let's say you have someone on your team managing social for you, and they're doing it through HubSpot. Now, some people on your team you might trust more than others for various reasons, for various good reasons. And so, for some people, let's say they're a junior, maybe they've just started. They don't know, they haven't understood voice of the company fully. So, you only give them draft privileges. They create draft social posts, and then you'd go back and actually review them before scheduling them out. And so, where I thought this was a really good example, and where it is in our client's case is, their CEO's LinkedIn personal profile is managed through HubSpot, and so we don't want just anyone coming in, posting on the CEO's behalf, straight on out on their personal profile. By the way, fine to do it on their company profile or other channels, but of course, on LinkedIn. So, there is a case where actually having most of your team as draft only on social might be worth wanting. So, show notes, we've got a screenshot. And yeah, implement if that's a good match for your use case.
- [Ian] All right, Craig, the HubSpot Sales Feature of the Week, and this is thanks to Chris. It's about the deal stage properties. And so, just be aware, this is to do with Sales Professional. So, if you wanna actually make things mandatory, or make them required fields when they're filling this out, then you'd have Sales Professional. And one of the things that you would do is select a closed lost reason and a closed lost date. So, that's really important, and then obviously you can use that in other things like Service Hub, for doing what you need to do. So, great takeaway, and if you can, obviously, make that a dropdown, the closed lost reason.
- [Craig] Cool, thanks Chris, and yeah, a few screenshots in the show notes there.
- [Ian] All right Craig, now HubShot Gotcha of the Week. It's about cloning custom modules in the design tools. Now, why are we talking about this as a gotcha, tell me.
- Well, because it--
- It got you!
- [Craig] Well, yeah, got us out this week. I'll give you the scenario. You're working on a template, right? So a webpage page template. So you go into design tools, you're in the template, and let's say there's a custom module in there, and you're going "Oh, okay cool, "I'm actually gonna get that custom module, "but I wanna tweak it a bit." So, you're in the template, you'll just go "Ah, I'll just clone "this custom module in the template. "Okay, now there's two versions on the template, "but this second one, I'm actually gonna customize. "I'm actually gonna change some things about it, "maybe styles are applied to it or whatever." So you go edit, custom module, source, and so then you go in there, and you make your changes. So what would you expect to happen In that case?
- Is this after you've cloned it?
- [Craig] Okay, so first of all, what do you think cloning means?
- [Ian] Taking an exact copy of it.
- [Craig] Right, so I've just cloned it on the template.
- [Ian] Okay, you've got a different, you've got another custom module on the template.
- [Craig] Well, no, all I've done is duplicated it.
- [Ian] Dupiclated the module, yes.
- [Craig] Here's the confusion. Have I cloned it, or have I just duplicated it on the template? In fact, all I've done is duplicated it. I've got one custom module, but it's appearing twice.
- Correct, yes.
- [Craig] Okay, so then, and here's what's happened. They've gone "Oh, okay." On this second one, I'll open that up, edit the source for that custom module, change it, expecting that to work differently. Come back to the template, both of them have changed. Okay, so it's a bit of a gotcha. So, here's the point. You actually haven't cloned to a new custom module. You've just got the same custom module twice on your template. If you want to actually clone, like make another version of the custom module...
- [Ian] You have to go back to the file view to clone it, am I right?
- [Craig] Exactly. On the list on the left hand side going right click, I'll get a screenshot of that. So, it's a combat cloning and cloning, yeah, can get you caught up.
- [Ian] It's actually duplication and cloning.
- [Craig] It's duplicating and cloning, that's right. But quite often, you'll talk about something, you'll just say "Oh, I'll make a copy of that." What am I talking about? Am I talking about cloning or am I talking about duplicating? Very confusing, so Gotcha of the Week, I guess the take away is well, know the terminology, but also understand the intent and make sure, yeah, it can catch you out. Hopefully we'll save one listener sometime.
- [Ian] Yes, that's right. All right Craig, onto our marketing tip of the week, and this is something we go on about a lot, is about testing and measuring, because things change so rapidly, right? In this, we're gonna talk about Instagram changing stuff all the time, and USGC on Google as well. Stuff changing all the time. But what did you wanna highlight on Instagram, Craig?
- [Craig] Well, it doesn't actually really matter what they've changed in Instagram, but I'll tell you what it is anyway. They're actually removing a part of what followers are doing, well, people that you follow.
- [Ian] Correct, what you're following, right?
- [Craig] What you're following, what they're doing, you can see what they're liking and that kinda thing. So, it's a feature in Instagram, its got its own tab actually.
- Correct.
- So, they're removing that.
- It used to have its own tab.
- Well yeah. They're removing that because A: no one really used it, but B: you could kinda see some weird things that your friends are doing. Like, why are they kinda liking certain types of posts?
- Yes
- Things like that. So it was kind of a bit of an insight into what your friends are doing, and perhaps your friends having an insight into what you're doing. Oh my goodness. You know what all my friends, well, I don't, as you know I've got a private Instagram account that no one really can roll over it. All they would see me is liking pictures of cute puppies. They'd be like "Who is this guy? "All he's rolling is cute puppies." Oh my goodness. Anyway, so they're taking it out. That's a whole aside. Why am I talking about this? Here's my point. The point is that Instagram, with more than a billion users, massive company, they're always testing, and they're actually finding these things that we thought were a great idea. And that I think has been in the product almost since day one.
- A long time, yes.
- [Craig] Yeah, been in there for ages. They actually realized, no, it's not a good fit. So, if a massive company can't get it right and has to change continually to remove things that people don't want, and just shouldn't have been in there in the first place, then what chance have you got of getting it right? Therefore my point, always be testing and measuring. And so, got a few points about, well what are some of the things you should be reviewing, mainly by looking at analytics, because do you think, how do you think Instagram found out no people were using it? They've got all this telemetry on what people are doing, right? HubSpot must do that all the time, that's why they removed some of our favorite features. We miss you keyword tool. But anyway, what are some of the things that we could be just checking by looking at analytics?
- [Ian] Well, I think the simplest thing is what content is working, and even what channels are working for you. Another one would be what landing pages are working, and which leads are converting into customers. And this is really good for understanding which sources those leads are coming from, and which one of those are converting into customers. And one of the other ones is which emails are getting opened and clicked.
- [Craig] So, pretty simple stuff you can look at. You can look at google analytics, just look at your HubSpot analytics, look at some of those reports.
- Correct
- [Craig] Make sure you're paying attention.
- [Ian] That's right, because you just kinda think, I'll highlight this with a customer we put Hotjar on a couple of weeks ago, and I sat down with him after we clicked through some data, and I showed it to them. They go "Oh, that's really interesting. "We have this big banner at the top, "and everyone has to scroll past this banner "to get to stuff." And they're like "Oh, do we really need that there? "Why don't we just get rid of the banner "and put some important information at the top?" Well yeah, that's a good idea. But again, you would not have known that if you didn't actually have anything to track it and look at what people were doing, and the behavior of people using the site, you would not have that insight.
- [Craig] I read this fascinating article on Conversion XL the other day.
- Yes?
- [Craig] Where they were looking at, oh, we should put this in the show notes, we'll find the link. But they were at your key points about your business, like what you do. I've forgotten the term for it, kinda like key value offerings. And they did this testing, heatmap testing, where they used three different layouts. One they just had three bullet points at the top, we do this, this, and this. Next, they had three bullet points with paragraphs, like a paragraph on each explaining what their core offering was. And then the third, they had these big long paragraphs, so big chunky ones. And they looked at that to see what gave the best recall. You know, they were doing this testing across a whole bunch of people. And I'll cut to the chase, they found--
- What was the result, Craig?
- [Craig] The second one, a bullet point that had a paragraph underneath it, so the idea being, but not too long, so it was like a sentence or two explaining it. So it's just like, here's the core offering and here's what it means. So very, very quickly, I guess, interpreted for you. Here's the benefit that you're gonna get. If it was just a bullet point, people were like, they had to think for themselves, which you know, of course.
- Had to process, yes.
- [Craig] Yeah, and then the end one, they're too bored by the end of it.
- Correct.
- [Craig] So, just that, anyway, that came around from testing. So, back to your test and measure.
- [Ian] All right Craig, Insight of the Week, changing your mind. And this is about an article on spectator.com
- [Craig] Yeah, on the Spectator. Oh, this is so good. Rory Sutherland, I've been reading a lot of his stuff. And he talks about, amongst many that I really like, just think about this idea of changing your mind. Do you think it's okay to change your mind?
- [Ian] Yeah, I think now that I've got a bit of experience, I would say yes. Growing up I would have said no.
- [Craig] What about if you're a politician, do you think it's okay to change your mind? I'll answer for you, no. There's no way you wanna be subject to changing your mind, 'cause ah, you're flip-flopping. There's lots of areas where you don't wanna change your mind.
- That's right.
- [Craig] Business is one key area where you do wanna be changing your mind all the time, and so this article is just prompting this whole point, that it's actually the one place you get paid to change your mind. And I love that.
- That's fascinating
- [Craig] Further to that, it's one place where you almost need to be changing your mind, or in the future, you won't be getting paid.
- [Ian] Yeah, and I think one of the key things you pull, business rewards thinking about things differently, often because it's the only way you are able to stay in business. Absolute gold, now the Podcast of the Week, Craig. It's a "Pivot" podcast by Scott Galloway and Kara Swisher.
- [Craig] Scott Galloway, have I mentioned Scott Galloway to you?
- [Ian] You have mentioned Scott Galloway.
- Oh, I just read his book recently, "The Algebra of Happiness"
- Yes.
- [Craig] Almost need a quote of the week for that, Ian.
- [Ian] It'll be coming up, Craig.
- [Craig] I just thought it was such a good book.
- [Ian] What was the key takeaway, Craig?
- [Craig] Well, he looks at your life, and various parts of your life, and we do have a quote later from it, which I think just captures it really well. Know when you read a book, and the timing is just right for you?
- Yes.
- [Craig] It's rare, but I love it when that kind of overlap, almost that little Venn diagram of the right time and the right book, and them banging. 'Cause I could have read this book a couple of months ago, or I could read it next year, and I'd probably go "Oh, this is a pretty lame book, "it's not great." But I just read it last week, and I was just like "Oh, this is so good." I remember I was sending you screenshots from it.
- You were.
- [Craig] Sending you screenshots, it's so good. Anyway, what was--
- And It was so good, Craig, you actually didn't ask for a refund on Amazon, did you?
- [Craig] No, I didn't ask for a refund, thanks. Listeners will know from listening to earlier shows, when I hate books on Amazon, which thankfully happens very rarely, they give you a refund for it. It's just the best thing. Anyway, he's got a podcast as well. Oh, by the way, I should tell you what he does.
- What does he do, Craig?
- He kinda analyzes technology and Kara Swisher, she runs the site Recode.
- Ah, yes.
- Yeah, with Walt Mossberg. They're both very famous technology journalists and analysts. So, she has the podcast with Scott Galloway, and they talk about technology, and Scott Galloway has just been absolutely relentless on the WeWork debacle. So, if you've been reading stuff from Scott Galloway around WeWork.
- [Ian] You know what, after you shared that book, I actually started listening to that podcast, and I listened to that exact episode.
- Oh really?
- And I absolutely loved it.
- Yeah.
- So listeners, hear my, I got taken by surprise here on the show notes, but I think when you just explain that, what a good podcast it was. I definitely second Craig and say have a listen to that, because you will learn some stuff that's actually fascinating.
- [Craig] The podcast is called "Pivot"
- [Ian] All right Craig, now in our Resource of the Week, we've got some email marketing tips, and this is off the Databox blog. It's how to do effective tips for experienced digital marketers, email marketing. So take it out, I'll tell you why this is great, because email marketing is such a key revenue driver for business. I know we'd send businesses we work with, when we send an email, especially for high end, luxury goods, that one email could generate them 100, 200, $300,000 worth of business, off that one email. And even other businesses that sell cleaning equipment, all sorts of things in the vast variety of people that we deal with, always yields something. Even if the person it goes to has moved on, they'll get a response saying "Oh, they're not here, talk to this person." And that starts a conversation, so I think doing this right, and doing it well, and understanding behavior is a really key aspect to this.
- [Craig] Look, can I just have a little bit of a rant about email marketing? Email marketing is so good, but have you been to talks lately where people say "Oh, we don't use landing pages and gated content anymore, "it's all about conversational marketing, "and the chat bots and things like that." And I'm like "Sure, that's fine, "not gonna disagree with that." But then they say "Just forget having gated content "and people signing up for emails, it doesn't work." And I'm like "Yeah, I think it does." And this is why we still do e-box, we work across a bunch of industries, and getting emails build the list, the money is in the list. As I used to say like, what, 20 years ago?
- Correct
- It's still true, because email marketing works. And articles like this on Databox, where they talk about how to optimize your email marketing are even, therefore, really valuable. What other means can you reach that many people, and get that much cut through. Sure, do the chat bots, and build your messenger marketing, and things like that. Of course, do it, but not at the exclusion, it's not one or the other. Email marketing is still really alive and well.
- [Ian] Diversity is the key, Craig. All right, Craig, onto our Quote of the Week. "The ratio of time you spend sweating "to watching others sweat is a forward looking indicator "of your success." And this is from Scott Galloway, from the book "The Algebra of Happiness" Do you wanna elaborate, Craig?
- [Craig] I think it's pretty self explanatory, but his book is more along those lines. It's kind of, "The Algebra of Happiness," its kind of rules for living. And oh, shock horror, you've gotta work really hard if you want to get really good results and things like that. I guess I'm very cynical of these work smarter, not harder kinda books, as if you don't have to do both. They kinda think it's one or the other. "Oh, all these dummies that are working harder." No, people are working smarter and working harder. It's like the norm these days, right? So, his book is in line with that, work really hard, but also, he's actually big on family now, and relationships. He's got this wonderful part in it where he talks about how he spent seven months with his mother as she was dying from cancer. And he got to spend that time with her, and let her die and pass with dignity, and really about, it's just so. Yeah, just read it, it's just such a good book.
- [Ian] Excellent, now Craig, there are some tools you're looking at this week. One being Seismic, and the other one being Bitwarden.
- [Craig] Oh man, Seismic, have you seen this?
- [Ian] I have heard of it, I haven't actually looked at it.
- [Craig] Oh yeah, this is about attribution of your content, right through the marketing to sales. But I'll talk to you about it offline. I'm really checking it out. I think this is gonna be big.
- [Ian] Fantastic, now listeners, I hope you've enjoyed the show. We'd love you to leave us some feedback on Apple Podcasts, and any other platform you listen to this on. And we would love you to share with somebody on your team, or somebody else that you know, that would either be HubSpot or considering using HubSpot. This greatly helps us reach more people. Well Craig, until next time.
- [Craig] Catch you later, Ian. Hey there, thanks for listening to this episode of "HubShots." For show notes, and the latest HubSpot news and tips, please visit us at hubshots.com ♪ Daddy's girl ♪
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