3 min read

Episode 11: Stickers

Episode 11: Stickers

Welcome to Episode 11 of HubShots!

Recorded: Tuesday 15 December 2015

In this episode we cover:


Our second podcast recording in the same location (usually it is all via Skype)

We have some ‘limited edition’ stickers.

To get a free sticker simply leave us a note on the Contact page with your mailing address and we'll send you one.

The #hubshots stickers have arrived - https://hubshots.com #hubspot #podcast

A photo posted by Craig Bailey (@craigjamesbailey) on

Shot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week

Good Content versus Good Enough Content - Inbound talk by Ann Handley: http://www.inbound.com/blog/ann-handley-ideas-and-experiences

Some key takeaways:

  • Challenges the notion that quality is automatically counter to quantity
  • Biggest missed opportunity: playing it too safe
  • No slides though, plus leaving a comment completely refreshes the page and starts the video again.
  • Action item: make sure your video embeds provide a good user experience
  • I like how she uses MailChimp as an example… at a HubSpot conference.
  • Be bolder with our stories. Be the Voice in your industry

Shot 2: HubSpot feature/tip of the Week

Eventbrite integration notification in HubSpot - although I’m not sure if this is new or not? KB is from October: http://knowledge.hubspot.com/articles/kcs_article/integrations/how-to-connect-hubspot-and-eventbrite

A/B testing workflows: http://blog.hubspot.com/customers/a-b-test-workflows-and-automated-emails

See my comment at the end of the post

Action item: there’s alway multiple ways of doing things

Split testing in general - split your lists using the last digit of Contact ID (eg one list with even numbers, another with odd):

Simple HubSpot list splitting tip

If your Contact IDs are not populated, as an alternative you can use another test such as the first letter of a last name eg:

Smart list based on last name

Action item: Don’t under-estimate your brand, and Split testing email newsletter list: Always be testing!

Shot 3: Challenge of the Week

Not saying ‘hmmm’ all the time :-)

Trying to match HubSpot conversions with analytics:

I’ve finally been able to spend some time and confirm the above all works in both AdWords reporting and HubSpot reporting. Initially I was worried there might be some doubling up in analytics, but there were no issues.

Shot 4: Opinion of the Week

Really interesting: HubSpot purged their email subscriber list: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/blog-subscriber-graymail-purge

“After all, 550,000 subscribers is nothing but a vanity metric if 250,000 of those people aren't actually engaging with your content. And the people we were unsubscribing hadn't clicked through to our blog from any of the emails we'd sent them over the course of the last 6 months, so we weren't at risk of losing any email traffic.”

Interesting prediction: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2015/12/content-marketing-predictions-2016/

"I predict the emergence of ‘TweetRank.’ As sign-up growth slows, Twitter will boost its stock price by making ads more prominent. That means making some tweets less prominent. To decide which tweets get which treatment, there will be an algorithm. – Andy Crestodina, strategic director, Orbit Media Studios"

Shot 5: General Tip of the Week

Google's new accelerated mobile pages (AMP): http://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-to-roll-out-accelerated-mobile-pages-to-everyone-get-your-content-ready-now/146743/

Action item: investigate whether this could be beneficial for your business - especially if you have a lot of mobile traffic

Shot 6: State of Inbound Item of the Week

Content Marketing Institute Content Marketing Research 2016 report


3714 respondents, 146 in Australia

  • p8 only 28% say they are effective - the rest said they were neutral or not effective
  • p12 57% of the most effective marketers meet daily or weekly
  • p13 64% say meetings are valuable

Shot 7: Motivation of the Week

Get a sticker! https://hubshots.com/contact/

Shot 8: Resource of the Week

This is awesome: Content Curation mega practices: http://www.siegemedia.com/content-curation

More on this next week.

Shot 9: Podcast of the Week

Each week we mention one of our favourite podcasts

The Readitfor.me OneBook Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/readitfor.me-onebook-podcast/id973527627?mt=2

HubCast: http://www.thesaleslion.com/hubcast-podcast/

Get your stickers! https://hubshots.com/contact/

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