2 min read

Episode 80: New HubSpot Web Analytics, Documents and a Different Creative Top 10

Episode 80: New HubSpot Web Analytics, Documents and a Different Creative Top 10

Welcome to Episode 80 of HubShots!

Welcome to HubShots, the podcast for marketing managers who use HubSpot hosted by Ian Jacob from Search & Be Found and Craig Bailey from XEN Systems.

Listen to the episode here: https://soundcloud.com/hubshots/080-new-hubspot-web-analytics-documents-a-different-creative-top-10

Join our WhatsApp group here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/09R0ogqg6ipI61YQRWPDtr

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Recorded: Thursday 13 April 2017 | Published: Tuesday 18 April 2017

Shot 1: Inbound Thought of the Week

The Search Opportunity


#21: What percent of Google queries lead to more than one click on the results?

Some of us use ctrl+click to open up multiple tabs when searching. Others click one result, then click back and click another. Taken together, all the search behaviors that result in more than one click following a single search query in a session combine for 21%. That's 21% of searches that lead to more than one click on Google's results.

Shot 2: HubSpot Marketing Feature of the Week

HubSpot Dependent Form Fields



A little gotcha: it won’t show the optional fields if you refresh the page - you’ll need to untick/tick a field again to show it for example.


New Dashboard

Web Analytics Dashboards are rolling out:

hubspot web analytics

Shot 3: Marketing Tip of the Week

Using competitor page data to inform your own optimisation:


Example: Use BuzzSumo to find content that is working well on your competitor’s sites. Analyse to see if they are answering questions which you could be answering better.

Shot 4: HubSpot Sales Feature of the Week

Documents in HubSpot Sales

Why we love this is because

  1. It is a central location of helpful document/sales content that your entire team can use and share documents right from your Gmail or Outlook inbox, and see which content closes deals.
  2. Know the second a prospect/user opens a document.
  3. Identify the documents that close deals and get used consistently.

Documents HubSpot

Shot 5: Opinions of the Week

Opinion 1: Forcing people to install apps to talk to you is dumb

Don’t force people (prospects, staff, customers) to install new tools just to communicate with them.

Remove friction in your communications

Eg being forced to install Skype, zoom.us, GoToMeeting, etc

Also, be considerate when giving  a contact a calendar link in an email to book time with you

Opinion 2: Making generalisations based on your own bad performance is dumb

Learn to ignore some posts - here’s a good example of what Craig thinks is bad advice:


Bonus gripe: HubSpot closed comments on the post, even though it was only posted on 21 March.

Shot 6: Creative Top 10 of the Week

We each give our Gratitude Top 10.

Shot 7: Podcast of the Week

14 Business Lessons from America’s Greatest Sales and Marketing Executive by Noah Kagan


Take one lesson from here and implement it in your business.

Shot 8: Resource of the Week

Landing page optimisation guide from Talia:


Browser extension to speed up videos:


Shot 9: Quote of the Week

“Implementation, not ideas is the key to real success.” - Chet Holmes

Shot 10: Bonus Links of the Week

Other stuff we’ve been reading and recommend, but had to cut from the show:




New LinkedIn features:


Tool to investigate:



Some of Craig’s reading:


Please rate and leave us some feedback as this helps us.

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